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- Create Date July 21, 2024
- Last Updated July 21, 2024
Navigating the Digital Landscape: Career Coaching in the Age of Automation
Thus, the current automation and digitalization trends have revolutionized the nature of work and employment challenges and opportunities across the globe. Thus, this paper aims to discuss the newly appeared changes in the sphere of career coaching and Job search to determine the further aims and effective practices for helping people at the modern stage of the technological world. IT has become more advanced with technologies such as AI, machine learning, and robotics that have caused the automation of activities that were originally manual in different fields. Although it is anticipated that this advance will increase productivity more effectively, there are various issues related to the loss of jobs and the need for replenishment or retraining of employees. The world’s workplace is likely to change significantly by 2030 warns the McKinsey Global Institute, revisions could impact millions of positions, making it important for employees to acquire portable skills and ensure that they learn throughout the course of their careers. As a result of these challenges, career coaching has become an essential intervention to help people navigate the cardiovascular processes, integrated into today’s information-age economy. Originally, career coaching was involved with understanding and seeking careers from the client and has now expanded to this new definition. This also entails reviewing previous and current abilities to understand the outcome of an evaluation, receiving concrete direction for the essential skills that are required in the new-age workplace, and having methods of attending to changes resulting from the impact of automation. Career coaches also have an important role in assisting working people in identifying new relevant fields and mapping their current skill set in these new occupations. They encapsulate the need to continue learning and to stay abreast of technological advancements applicable to the client’s profession. Also, the abstract describes the tools and methodologies used in contemporary MAVT and specific practices of career coaching. These are diverse and complex online aptitude and personality tests; realistic VR simulations for skills’ practice; and self-organized artificial intelligence (AI) career marketplaces with algorithms that match given skills and desired careers with suitable jobs and training opportunities. All these technological advancements go a long way in not only improving the efficiency and efficacy of career coaching interventions in a world that is rapidly becoming a digitalized workplace but also enabling people to make appropriate career decisions. For the future, the abstract notes the philosophy of mobility of career coaching regarding the changes in technologies and marketing of occupations. It emphasizes the increasing need to personalize the delivery of executive and management coaching services coupled with the use of technology in assisting individuals to self-manage their careers by positioning them to fit into opportunities created by the execution of automation and digitization. Through promoting adaptability, supporting the development of new skills, and using information technologies most appropriately, representatives of this occupation contribute to preparing people for the future world of work where automation is likely to play a dominating role. This abstract captures a wide and compelling function of career coaching as a way of enabling persons to be able to thrive in the contemporary and dynamic work world. Hence, career coaches help individuals to get definite preferences, consistent learning, and technological advancement to make active participation in the professional world even in periods of diversification and automation.
Dr. Zohaib Azhar DBA I Doctor of Business Administration | European International University, Paris MBA-HR I MA I CHRM & CRM SHRM-SCP | Society for Human Resource Management, USA Chartered Professional in Human Resources | Canada