

The Role of Digital Transformation in Enhancing Marketing Agility and Customer Experience: A Comparative Analysis Across Leisure and entertainment Industries throughout GCC region

In a highly competitive and rapidly evolving market, businesses increasingly rely on digital technologies to stay agile and meet rising customer expectations. This study aims to examine the extent to which digital tools such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), big data analytics, mobile applications, and social media platforms influence marketing agility and customer experience, and to […]

The Role of Digital Transformation in Enhancing Marketing Agility and Customer Experience: A Comparative Analysis Across Leisure and entertainment Industries throughout GCC region Read More »

Unexplained Infertility thesis

How Effective Are Emotional Freedom Tapping Techniques in Addressing Limiting Beliefs in Females With Unexplained Infertility

The study’s objective is to investigate the impact of Energy EFT (also known as Modern Energy Tapping) as a primary care solution to address limiting beliefs in women experiencing unexplained infertility. Before 2017, quantitative studies and techniques lacked measuring beliefs about infertility. The research’s objective was to determine whether Energy EFT effectively addressed limiting beliefs

How Effective Are Emotional Freedom Tapping Techniques in Addressing Limiting Beliefs in Females With Unexplained Infertility Read More »

Event Management Opportunities

The executive summary provides a concise overview of this thesis, which examines event management opportunities in Saudi Arabia through in-depth research and analysis. Events can be categorized by their type, size, and subject, including social, economic, and cultural activities such as mega-events, festivals, celebrations, engagements, exhibitions, and corporate events, among others. Event management involves planning,

Event Management Opportunities Read More »

Post-COVID-19 Impact on Business Environment and Sustainability Practices

After the cessation of restrictive lockdowns, the world affected badly by the COVID-19 pandemic, altering how people interact and work. The global economy faces new uncertainties, driving a push towards sustainability by considering internal and external factors. Achieving a sustainable environment requires integrating policies that connect the environment, economy, and society. This research is to

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Methodical Assessment and Truth Flow Analysis of Wind Tunnels

The use of models to test future aircraft, spacecraft, and automobiles are critical, and a wind tunnel is one of the tools used to test models and, in some cases, actual aircraft. Before allowing aircraft and spacecraft to leave the atmosphere, they must be thoroughly tested. The Yaw sphere’s systematic and true flow analysis emphasizes

Methodical Assessment and Truth Flow Analysis of Wind Tunnels Read More »