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- Create Date January 14, 2023
- Last Updated February 1, 2023
Faster delivery of business value is a struggle for many IT businesses because of VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) challenges. The traditional ways of managing and
delivering services are no longer efficient at dealing with the VUCA challenges. Agile is a modern delivery methodology that may be used, however if an IT firm makes the decision to switch to Agile, they will face several transformation challenges. This research focused on the role of Agile leadership during the Agile transformation in IT organizations, identify the challenges they face, how Agile implementation can help overcome these challenges, identify techniques to sustain Agility and the importance of Agile frameworks for business agility and digital transformation. This research was limited to web-based surveys with experts in the field of Agile in IT organizations. There was some generic Agile questionnaire in the survey, according to the responses, the most practiced Agile framework is ‘Scrum’, the main reason for adopting Agile is ‘regular feedback cycle increases value creation’ and the main challenge faced during Agile transformation is ‘lack of collaboration’. Rest of the survey questionnaire were recorded on Likert Scale and qualitative methodology was used to analyze the data and results. Reliability test was conducted to find the stability and consistency, the reliability result inferred as Excellent. Mean, standard deviation, variance is calculated as part of the statistical analysis. Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis was conducted to test the hypothesis, this research confirms that, overcoming the Agile adoption challenges is important, Agile Leader and coaches are critical success factors, sustaining Agility is important, Agile methodologies (ex: Scrum, SAFe & other Agile frameworks) are key success factors and Agile adoption is key for enterprise business agility & digital transformation.
AGILE ADOPTION FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE IT SECTOR A Dissertation Presented by RAJESH PRAMOD PATNURI MBA, MS Submitted to The European International University, Paris, France in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN AGILE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT (PhD) January, 2023