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- Create Date January 5, 2025
- Last Updated January 6, 2025
how the Unique cultural and economic landscape of Angola influence the development and adoption of a demand service app in the local market
This action research focused on identifying the conditions, trends, and patterns in cultural and economic context of Angola that can be useful for the development and implementation of demand service apps in the country. First, 150 participants, including app users and non-users were interviewed using semi-structured interviews, focus groups and self-administered questionnaires; second, 10 developers were interviewed; and third, two groups of six consumers each. The qualitative data collected through the interview and discussion forums were analyzed using thematic analysis and the surveys were statistically analyzed and the following conclusions were made. Some of the challenges that Angolans face while using demand apps include the following, lack of skills in the use of IT devices, expensive apps, security concerns, and lack of localized apps.
Recommendations for the developers stressed on the issues that the software should be culturally appropriate, cash on delivery and chip card payment choices, basic phone compatibility. Based on the study findings, it suggests that app features should be tailored to suit Angola’s contextual factors and that marketing should target these factors and the users’ preferences to enhance the adoption process. Future research can look at individual app categories in detail along with trends of usage over time. This gives direction towards creating the demand service apps which is ideal for the Angolan consumer.