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- Create Date March 18, 2024
- Last Updated March 18, 2024
Talent management strategy includes the identification of valuable human capital for attracting, developing, engaging, and retaining the organization’s top performers. A definitive role for leadership succession planning in talent management lacks empirical research. The study research question asked: What is the role of leadership succession planning in talent
management? The qualitative exploratory research method obtained data on the role of leadership succession planning in a firm’s talent management strategy. The sample included nine
senior human resources (HR) professionals with a minimum of 10 years of experience in either strategic workforce planning, organizational development, or HR director level experience. Data analysis included a manual hand analysis before using NVivo 12 for Mac computer software to categorize, classify, and extract themes. Four themes affiliated with the participants’ perspectives and experiences with leadership succession planning and talent management emerged. The themes involved implementation differences, oversight of leadership succession planning and talent management, organizational culture, and employee engagement. The findings revealed that leadership succession planning has a role in talent management, dependent on the implementation activities and other influencers involving leadership succession planning
as a part of a talent management strategy. Future research is recommended to examine additional constructs comprising organizational size and type. The role leadership development has in leadership succession planning, and talent management is another recommendation for future research. The final recommendation involves examining the current research question using a sample that includes partnerships among the HR owners and those outside the organization’s HR department.
Jayanthara Raj Krishnan A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor Business Administration