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- Create Date April 26, 2023
- Last Updated April 26, 2023
Learning a language is a difficult process. Despite being a global language, learning all four micro skills is tough. Learning English presents a number of challenges and stumbling obstacles, particularly for non-native speakers such as Myanmar students. Inadequate teaching and learning materials, such as high numbers of students in courses, utilizing their home language instead of English, not being in an English-speaking context, being less secure in speaking English, and using the improper curriculum, are all examples. These are only a few instances. I occasionally teach English in Myanmar. While teaching and learning English in Myanmar, I met a number of challenges and roadblocks. It motivates me to undertake further study on the challenges that students and instructors confront in Myanmar.
To discover the unique challenges and obstructions experienced when teaching and studying English, I employed qualitative research methodologies. I visited with each of the five experienced English instructors individually: one retired teacher, a high school founder who teaches from primary to secondary school, two public high school teachers, and one senior lecturer. I asked them four questions regarding their teaching experience, the challenges they had when teaching English, and how they overcome them.
Following the interview, I documented their comments as well as the instructors' comparable experiences with the problems of learning and teaching English to their pupils, and the findings indicated how to overcome all of the hurdles throughout the whole learning and teaching process. They, as well as their sound advice on teaching and learning English. Then I concluded by describing how we could use approved tactics and new technology to overcome all of the problems that we have when teaching and learning English.
Dr. Soe Thane Professional Doctorate in Teaching