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- Create Date December 2, 2024
- Last Updated December 2, 2024
The Effects Of Teacher-Student Relationships On Student Motivation
Teacher-student relationships play a critical role in shaping students' academic success and overall motivation. This thesis investigates the impact of positive reinforcement within teacher-student interactions on student motivation and academic performance, emphasizing the importance of supportive relationships in fostering intrinsic motivation. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study combines quantitative and qualitative methods to provide a comprehensive analysis of how reinforcement strategies influence motivation and achievement among middle school students.
Quantitative data were collected through surveys administered to 300 students and 30 teachers from public and private schools. These surveys measured students' perceptions of teacher support, types of reinforcement used, and their motivation levels, while teachers reported on their reinforcement practices and observed effects on student behavior. Qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with students and teachers and classroom observations, capturing real-life instances of positive reinforcement and its impact.
Key findings reveal a strong positive correlation between perceived teacher support and student motivation, with teacher support accounting for a significant variance in students’ academic performance. Verbal praise and constructive feedback emerged as the most effective reinforcement strategies, especially when personalized to meet individual student needs. These strategies not only enhanced students' motivation but also promoted academic resilience and engagement. Observations further highlighted the role of non-verbal cues, such as smiles and nods, in creating a positive classroom environment that encourages active participation.
Submitted by:Y.W. STEPHNEY HIMADARIE YATANWALA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education Supervisor:Dr.Raheel Asghar Date: November,2024 EIU-Paris