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- Create Date March 6, 2025
- Last Updated March 6, 2025
The impact of using Video Analysis in Football: A Southern Africa Perspective
Video analysis in sports around the world has been evolving yearly. Focusing on football in Europe, the application and use of technology such as video analysis has been accepted by many practitioners compared to those in Africa. This research focused on the impact of video analysis in football in Southern Africa. The research method used was through a survey and a questionnaire, distributed to mostly Southern African clubs and national teams. The same questionnaires were also distributed to a few clubs in Europe, Asia, and West Africa, which assisted the research in providing more insight into the impact of video analysis globally in relation to where Southern Africa currently stands. In Southern Africa 24 teams were considered, European clubs were six, Asian teams were five, West African teams were two and there were two national teams outside Africa. Participants answered various questions, such as how many clubs or national teams have a video analyst, their roles, whether video analysis was essential within their coaching methodology, and the challenges clubs/national teams faced in establishing video analysis. From a results’ perspective, the answers submitted and visualised on pie charts show that clubs/national teams that had or did not have video analysis all agreed that video analysis was essential in Africa and the rest of the world. In conclusion, although a vast majority of video analysis was outside Africa, the African football teams in Botswana, Zambia, South Africa and Zimbabwe all agreed that video analysis is an integral part of their coaching methodology.
Name: Brian Fungai Nyabvure Student Number: EIU 0000247 Year 2025 EIU-PARIS